Friday, June 15, 2007

My big helper

Sam is such a sweet boy. Most of the time. Yesterday, he said two really sweet things without prompting.

First, Sam was taking a bath after swim class. As usual, I was trying to pick up the house, put away laundry, clean, whatever, while he was in the tub. I walked by and he said, "Mommy, thank you for being my mommy. Thank you for being my mommy when daddy is out of town."

I said, "Thank you for being my big helper!"

Then, again during my cleaning frenzy, I was carrying dog food upstairs and tried to grab too many other things at the same time, so I dropped the container on it's open end. What a mess! I was about at the end of my rope, so I actually stopped everything for a minute and said a quick prayer: "Help me. Help me be calm in front of Sam."

Sam came over and said, "Can I help you mommy? It looks like you could use some help, and I'm your BIG HELPER."

I'm so lucky to have a big helper around!

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