Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Diaper Good

We got up this morning and were working our usual routine to get out the door by 7 am. Sam was getting dressed and I went in to get Kate and she needed changing. On work days, I try to make breakfast for Sam and Kate before she gets up, but today that didn't happen. So I had just ripped her diaper off when I realized we were out of diapers. No worries, I set her on the ground for a minute (she won't stay on the changing table) and ran downstairs to get the next package. When I came back upstairs, she was crawling down the hallway and her little naked butt looked so cute that I grabbed the camera to take a picture. I figured since she was entertained, I'd quickly pop in Sam's toast, which turned into making a bottle and getting milk. I walk down to get her and first notice a wet spot on the pergo in the hallway. Ha ha, little accident. No problem. THen I walk into Sam's room where she's playing and, you guessed it, there sat Kate, totally naked, playing with Sam's toys and sitting in a pile of her own poo. I snatch her up, which startles her of course, and hold her as far away from my just-back-from-the-dry-cleaner Ann Taylor Loft outfit and carry her to the bathroom.

You'd think it would all be uphill from there, but I had to call Sam to come get the beach towels out of the bathroom and instructed him "Do NOT go in your room," which for once he obeyed! (Thank goodness!) He went back down to watch cartoons while I wrestled with the bathwater and kate. By now she's totally freaked, as am i, and her crying leads her to go AGAIN on the floor of the bathroom (tile, of course). This time, though, she moves away from it and sees it and reaches for it. So now it's on her bottom, her hand, her foot... I grab a handful of wipes from her room and wipe her, the floor, everything and put her in the tub. Once she's clean, I diaper her this time, and put her in her crib with her blanket and bottle. She just laid in the corner sucking her thumb for the longest time with a look that said 'what in the world has happened to me'. I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning and bleaching the bathroom, hallway, and of course Sam's room.

The whole time this is all going on, my mother is downstairs getting dressed and ready to go to see Nanny at the hospital. Though she generally hears Kate cry or Sam walk down the hallway in the morning, she did not hear my screaming, the tub water, or the washing machine. I went down afterwards and asked her to check me for damage and she said, "What happened?" She didn't hear any of it and when Sam went to find her, he didn't say anything. In my stupid supermom pride, I refused to send him down to ask her to help. What a joke!

Well, it's certainly not a morning I'll easily forget, and I figured this would be a great one for the record books.

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