Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh, my daughter

What a wild woman she is. Defining characteristic of 22-month-dom: independence. Now, I'm not sure where she gets this from, but she is a very very independent woman.

When we get dressed now, Kate insists on doing everything "by myself. I do it myself." And she does. She can put her pants on and shoes, though it does take a smidge longer than when Mom does it (I may have to start waking up 30 minutes earlier!) Today after she got both legs in her pants, I made the mistake of pulling them up, which caused screaming and the need to start completely over. Good grief.

This also bleeds over into other areas, such as activities. We started gymnastics last week and though interested in what the teacher told them to do, she broke out in tears twice and all I can figure is that I either helped when I wasn't supposed to help or didn't help when I was supposed to. It's very confusing. And don't even get me started about our photography session on Friday. My independent little woman will be taking pictures only when she's good and ready. Don't try to bribe her into standing where she doesn't want to stand. She won't hear of it. And I won't hear the end of it.

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