Monday, October 27, 2008

Wiggly (or Wiggling) Party

Sam had this super loose tooth. I mean, loose. It’s the bottom left center one, right next to the gaping hole left by the last tooth. Unfortunately, the big catch is that the permanent tooth (also known as the “big” tooth), is already coming in behind it. And it’s crooked. We’ve been watching it for about a week.

On Thursday I called the dentist’s office and asked about it. They said that it would be good for the baby tooth to come out so the lip and tongue movement could work on bringing the new tooth into alignment. (That sounds like a pipe dream to me, but whatever.) She said if it wasn’t out by sometime this next week, they could “help” (aka pull).

So Stuart and I told Sam on Friday that he needs to really get to work on wiggling that tooth. Really. Because it needs to come out by Sunday night.

Sunday night comes along, and of course the tooth is hanging in there. Stuart, being the benevolent and caring father that he is, told Sam that they would make a coordinated effort of wiggling and wiggling and wiggling the tooth all night until it “falls” out. So they did. For hours. At one point I was invited to take a turn and declined.

Sure enough, the tooth finally came out. Did you know that the tooth fairy often has extra money on Sunday night because it’s the beginning (or end?) of the week? Apparently, this is true, because Sam scored $2 from the tooth fairy on Monday morning. Sweet.

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