Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Pics

I'll just say this: We did a sad job of taking pictures over Christmas this year. Sad. Not one picture of my brother with the kiddos, only one or two of Christmas morning. Sad. Here's what I came up with to share:

Sam and Kate waiting to take the dog gate (i.e. chair) down from the stairs to see what Santa left!

Kate checking out Baby Cinderella. Note Star Wars ship in the background. BIG ship.

Kate on her new princess tricycle. It was from Mamaw and Papaw. I need a picture of her in the beautiful (and machine washable) princess dress that Grandma made and gave her too, but alas, no picture of that.

Sam and Kate enjoying some foaming bath soap after Christmas. Unfortunately, the top got messed up on this, their first use, and so the entire canister of bath foam was dispensed within about 10 minutes. Needless to say, it was a mess. I think there is still foam in there...

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