Sam has always been creative. He and I will make up stories together to pass the time, and he has always had a very active relationship with his stuffed animals. He used to pretend that his friends were over, even when they weren't.
But I've never thought of him as artsy. He never has liked to color, draw or paint. I love to color, so that always disappointed me. He'll do playdough, but not for long. He really doesn't like to get his hands messy. Once, a family member gave him an art center. It's in storage.
So yesterday, when I picked Sam up from pre-K, his teacher showed me some of the things he had made, and he started to tell me what he was working on in the art center and what we needed to do to finish it up. Miss Jaime (the teacher-- I know, it's confusing) said to me, "Sam is just an artsy kid. He's always working hard in the art center. He's very creative." Creative, yes. Artsy? Wow. Just goes to show that you never can tell...
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