Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The M&M Wedding

In addition to your usual Easter revelry, the kids participated in the long-awaited, much-anticipated Meaghan and Matt wedding last weekend. All in all, they were really very well-behaved and looked fabulous. You know I'm talking about my children, not the bride and groom. I claim no responsibility for Matt or Meaghan, but they could also be described as well-behaved and fabulous-looking, if you were concerned.

We had a couple of really funny moments. Because Stuart and I were involved as "helpers," I wasn't a direct witness to all of this, but feel it deserves recording for posterity anyway. Just be aware that some license may or may not have been taken as these events were relayed to me, and therefore to you.

When Sam was getting ready Saturday morning, he told Stuart, "This is the last wedding I'm going to be in. They are SO BORING. You just get up and then stand there and stuff like that ALL DAY."

As we arrived at William Jewell College, Sam was walking in the lead, with Kate, Stuart and I following behind. Kate started running to Sam, yelling "Wait Sam! Wait for me! Wait for the Flower Girl! Wait for the princess! The princess is coming!" I'm not sure where she's gotten this princess mentality, but it's well assimilated, I tell you that.

They both did very well with pictures and things, though we didn't witness either one of them do that. I hear good things. But I think my favorite part of the wedding was the walk down the aisle. I was at the back sending people down the aisle when Sam and Kate started. It was an outdoor wedding, and I was back with the bride and FOTB waiting for their cue—probably 20 yards away from the aisle runner and back of the seats. Kate and Sam made it up to the aisle, and Sam and our friend Lorinda told Kate to throw her flowers. So she did. The whole basket included. She just chucked it about 2 rows ahead of her on the right. I'm not sure if it hit anyone, but Lorinda scrambled across the aisle and helped her pick it up. Sam was already about halfway down the aisle when he realized he was alone, so he stopped, turned around, and went back for Kate. They walked all the way down the aisle before she threw any petals, and after she threw a few, she asked one of the bridesmaids to help her pick them up. (When we practiced throwing petals, we always picked them up afterwards!) Oh, it was priceless. Fortunately, the bride was just as amused about the flying flower basket as I was, so no harm done.

The kids were to come down and sit with Daddy after the initial prayer, which apparently made Kate upset. I think she thought she was going to stand with the girls. If we'd realized that, we could have easily accommodated, because Stuart was sitting on the first row, which was maybe 2 feet away from the bridesmaids, so she could have just stood there. We weren't sure why she was upset though, so I took her onto my lap. She got down, marched up to Rebecca (bridesmaid #5) and thrust the basket into her hands and said, "HERE!" and stomped back to me, starting to cry. I didn't want to be the story of the day, so I picked her up and high-tailed it to the back. So, Sam walked solo back up the aisle at the end of the wedding, but he looked good doing it.

By the end of the day, the kids were totally wiped out. Sam fought sleep in the car, and Kate gave in completely. It made for a relatively fussy Easter, but we all survived unscathed.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I found out that in addition to the basket throwing, when Lorinda handed her back the basket and told her to go down the aisle, Kate gave her a stern look and said, "Pick them up" and pointed to the flowers. Assertive. Wonder where that came from?