Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lunch Box

Sam loves the Night at the Museum movies. Therefore, Kate loves the Night at the Museum movies. Of course, only the first is available on video, therefore when the kids crave Night at the Museum, it's the choice.

Sam's also really good at quoting movies, and one of his favorites of late is something like: "Watch it, lunch box! I once went 8 rounds with John L. Sullivan." I can't remember the exact phrase right now, but he does.

Well, Kate wants to quote movies too, though as of yet hasn't shown a real knack for it. (She did demonstrate a Sharpay pose for me yesterday, though, that was quite funny.) So her version of the quote goes something like this: "Watch out, lunch box. I want two thousand dollars from Jullivan Sullivan."

I know it's not nearly as funny to read as it is to hear, but it was just cracking me up in the car this morning and I wanted to get it down before I forgot. Those Mickey Rooney lines are by far the funniest in the movie. They like to call each other "Snack Shack" too.

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