Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The First Full Day of Kindergarten

Waiting for the bus

My big kindergartener!

I stayed home to put Sam on the bus for his first full day of Kindergarten. We did all of the pictures and videos and such on Friday's transition day, so I figured this would be easier. He wanted to ride the bus, not be taken to school, which was fine with me.

When we went outside to wait, he wanted me to stay in our driveway, while he waited across the street. No problem. The separation was symbolic of the way he's being cut out of my life and transplanted into new, big boy, school life. (Ha. Just kidding about that part!)

It was difficult though. I gave him a couple of hugs (he asked for an extra- yea!), and he wanted me to watch from outside, not inside, while he waited. He is so ready for school, and I know he'll do great.

I never thought I'd be one of those moms who greeted the first day of school with tears and apprehension, but I drove away from the house with tears in my eyes. It is the beginning of something so great in Sam's life, but the end of something great in mine. Those years where we were the primary focus of his world, and influencers of his life, are gone. I am really glad that I was home as much as I was. I feel like I truly appreciated and enjoyed every day, or most every day.

So, onward and upward! The Father who has watched over Sam and listens to my prayers will continue to watch him now. "And Samuel grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God."

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