Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The bucket

Sam had his first day back to school yesterday, and came home pretty excited about seeing his friends. When I asked him what they learned, he told me that they learned about the invisible bucket. Later he recounted the same tale to Dad like this:

"Well, we learned about invisible buckets. You know, everyone has one that they carry around and stuff. So, there's two kinds of people. When you do nice things, or say something nice to someone, that's being a bucket filler. When you do mean stuff, that's being a bucket dipper. Bucket dippers think that they are..."

...and then Dad cut him off and he didn't really finish, but I'm thinking the end of that is something about how bucket dippers think that they are getting more full by taking from others, but they really are wasting the water. Or something philosophical like that. Sam's our resident philosopher, so I'm not surprised that this was a meaningful lesson for him.

Really, if they'd learn this now, it would save a lot of trouble later on. Particularly in middle school.

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