Saturday, May 22, 2010


We're working on becoming better bike riders. We fell victim to the scooter frenzy, which requires much less actual coordination, and is closer to the ground, which led to a real preference for scooter over bike by Sam. It doesn't help to live on a hill. So, we've been going to parking lots to practice riding. Kate, on the other hand, LOVES to ride her bike. I warned Sam that Kate was going to be ready to take her training wheels off soon, so I think he's inspired to work a little harder.

They are both really getting so much better at it-- I thought we'd never accomplish bikes. It was already on  my bad mom list. I knew they could never be Rhodes scholars, because navigating Oxford would be impossible for my kids. I could hear it: "Yeah, I can't ride a bike because my mom didn't teach me when I was younger. Otherwise, I'd be studying physics instead of working at this McDonalds." Just blame the mom. Everyone else does.

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