Thursday, November 4, 2010

Birthday Extravaganza

Kate turned 4 last week! She was very excited, but transitioned to telling people she was four and a half approximately 12 hours into her new year. Poor Kate, her birthday always gets crowded by Halloween. She celebrated at Jo's the Tuesday before because of Halloween parties on her birthday. She was supposed to bring birthday treats to preschool on Monday before, but we were still on vacation, so we had to make those up the following week. The day of her birthday was also Sam's big football game at the Chiefs training facility, so we celebrated with our extended family and friends by noshing at Red Robin afterwards. No wonder she thinks her birthday is Halloween!

We invited several of Kate's friends to a party at the Flip Zone, where she takes gymnastics. We lucked into having the owner, Mr. Chad, working the party, so it was well-organized and the kids had a great time. They played games, played on the trampoline and inflatable slide, had cake and opened presents. Kate started a trend of jumping off of some padded stairs, into a triangular pad that was leaned up against the wall, and falling to the floor laughing. I'm not sure what kind of technique is required in this (possibly insanity), but the kids did it one after another for quite a while. Fortunately, all that padding means no one got hurt!

We had our family birthday party at the house afterwards, which was low-key and manageable with only 4 kids at the house instead of the typical 10-15. It was nice to be able to celebrate on the 30th, instead of combining with Halloween, though that did give us something to do during the party!

Kate asked for Barbies, and got several, all of which remain unopened. Her favorite gifts were a white board and play computer for her "office", a letter tracing Leap Pad toy, and clothes. One friend gave her bath tub toys, which I thought was clever, and she got a huge art kit that she's dying to break into. She really isn't a toy kid, which makes her really hard to buy for. I hate to think Christmas is right around the corner!

Happy birthday to my big girl, Kate!

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