Monday, October 31, 2011


What a day! I remember when I was a good parent, maybe a new parent, and I documented each holiday with fervor. Today, I didn't even take my good camera out trick or treating. Yikes.

Kate had a party at her new school and wore a cheerleader costume. She looked supercute. Mom and Dad were here still, so they got to see some of her classmates and her new school.

I didn't make either Halloween party today, but we sent homemade cookies for Kate's, so I should get some points for that.

We went out trick or treating with some friends, and the kids got tons of candy. I thought about weighing it for posterity, but really, why document such a waste! More than half will be thrown away anyhow.

They came home and were almost more enthusiastic about giving out candy than getting it, if that's possible. Sam even saw a few kids he knew from school, so that was good too.

I'll attach a couple of the pictures I do have. Bad mom.
Skyping with Grandma
Look at our haul!

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