Friday, November 25, 2011

Our First Thanksgiving

Today marked the first Thanksgiving that I can ever remember spending apart from some form of extended family, either mine or Stuart's. That's remarkable, really. In 35 years, I can never remember spending it apart. I can remember wanting to be elsewhere, or counting the hours until I could meet up with friends. When I really think about it, though, thanksgiving was special because it was a day I spent with my family. I remember a year when my grandparents didn't come home from Arizona and how mad I was that they chose staying over being with us (me).

It was hard this morning, and at times later, thinking of family gathered around the table, or looking at pictures of my great nephew crawling around the floor.

In reality, the first thanksgiving was likely much like ours was today. The pilgrims, settling in a new land, getting to know new friends over a big meal of new and favorite food. And it was a really good day. Our day today was really good too, and honestly I'm probably more thankful for what have been given, and the things I miss and took for granted, than I ever was before.

Happy new Thanksgiving!

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