Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vacation, Day 5: Homeward (Finally!)

Here's my advice: 3 days in Disneyland/DCA is perfect. 4 days, too much.

This was our 4th day in the parks, and we decided ahead of time that we would ride everyone's favorite in each park one more time. It was so empty, however, that we did manage to squeeze a few more in than that, and still left before lunch. (I refused to pay another $12 for a cheeseburger and fries. Just couldn't do it. If you've been there, you know what I mean.)

It was good. It was nice to ride again. But it was even nicer to be home. (And notable that going back to Las Vegas FELT like going home, right?) I was amazed all trip long about how the kids, particularly Kate, when asked where they were from said Las Vegas without hesitation. Everytime I thought, "We are? Oh yeah!" I still feel like a midwesterner, but maybe the kids won't.

It was a great trip, and we all needed and deserved the break from routine. Between the vacation and having company of some kind nearly all April, I think I'm ready to get back to normal. What's normal again?

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