Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kansas City here we come!

We've made it through the first two "travel days" of our journey... Through KC to scenic Hutch. My mom thinks Hutchinson is kind of the sticks, but I really like it. Maybe because I'm not in charge here and I know where everything is. And because of the ranger cookies.

We had a mercifully uneventful trip thus far. We had a fun night with the Wilkerson's last night, and I was able to rejoin book club for a night. Sam made it up for Bill's arrival after the Royals game, but Kate was out cold, and he was talked into carrying her up to bed.

This morning we went to Panera and met friends from church. It's safe to say that everyone has new hairstyles and the kids have all grown a ton. Then we went by Nanny's (she's exempted from that last statement. She doesn't have new hair nor has grown. She's doing well though!), and gave her some love before heading to Hutch. We had dinner and tool the kids to a park. We walked barefoot in the grass and watched a guy tightrope across Niagara Falls on national TV. All in a day's work.

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