We have a few nicknames for Kate. Everyone gets them. Sam had some doozies. Stinky Pants Man became Pants Man and then Pants. I call him Sweet Pig and Mr. Nice Guy. You get the idea. Well, Kate has a few. Most aren't very flattering-- not the kind we'll put underneath her senior picture. One of infamy is The Messmaker.
The Mess Maker can be used in many ways. As in, "You're being messmaker." Or "That's messmaker." or "Don't be Messmaker."
A perfect example came last week. We were eating strawberries (most examples do involved eating, but not all) and angel food cake after a yummy dinner at Grandma's. The strawberries had a glaze on them. Apparently, not all natural coloring used in that glaze.
The pictures were taken AFTER we had washed her hands and face. And, the damage was not limited to the hands and face. We were pretty sure she had just gotten her first tattoo. I warned Stuart via phone that she'd been permanently dyed.
Two bits of good news: a little scrubbing in the bathtub did the trick right away. And, she's not allergic to strawberries.
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