Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Took the kids to Oceans of Fun for the first time on Monday. We went with Tonya and her two kids, 3 O'Donnell kids, and another friend of Tonya's and her two kids. It was quite the crew.

Ah yes, nothing more relaxing then a lazy day by the pool. Chasing toddlers, comforting crying preschoolers, passing out raisins and juice boxes to fend off sleepiness and grouchiness. Don't forget swim diapers. Whoever thought of those things was a genius-- convincing pools that just because the diaper covers up the stink or soaks up the pee that it doesn't all just mix into the lovliness that is pool water. Don't think about it too much-- chlorine fixes everything, right?

Although not relaxing, it was fun. I told Sam to walk tall over to the big kid slides, because at 45", he's just shy of the requisite 46" required for big sliding. It worked. He had a great time.

Kate did well too. She's become a little water-in-the-face shy in the last couple of weeks, so I let her ease her way into activity. (I think she doesn't want to mess up her hair. At least that's my reason.) She did fine in the kiddie pools, or as my sidekick. She really enjoyed playing with big kid Becca O'Donnell-- preferred that to Mama even! By the end of the day, she was going down those kiddie slides like a crazy woman. It was a successful trip! I think I'd even try it again sometime.

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