Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It’s Not Your Fault…

This morning, Kate said something very funny. As if to confirm it in my head, she said it twice. The first time, I was just waking her up "from her nap" (everything is a nap to her, even overnight sleeping). Somehow, she hurt her finger. She said she bumped it on my arm. Who knows. Anyway, I said, "I'm sorry that my arm hurt your finger."

"It's okay, mommy. It's not your fault, it's my fault."

How funny. Usually kids are blaming other people, and here is mine trying to reassure me that I didn't do anything wrong. Now, she's two. So I know she's mimicking someone, but it's a nice thing to say anyway, and it made me think twice about becoming exasperated with the ongoing problems that mommy needs to solve.

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