Tuesday night was dinner with the in-laws. They have cleverly moved it to basketball night, because basketball practice is all of 2 blocks from their house. Mary's helping me eat healthier, so she had some whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs for us. The kids LOVE spaghetti, though they are into spaghetti with butter and cheese, instead of sauce. I'm pretty sure sauce would be healthier, though messier. No matter, the meatballs were in a red sauce, and both kids like the meatballs, so Kate ended up with an orange face anyway.
Turns out, she loves the meatballs. They were little ones (frozen, I think, instead of Mary's larger homemade ones). I think she started with two or three, but she just kept asking for more and more and more. So I started rationing them to one at a time. It was really funny how many she was eating anyway, but then she said, "Hey! Something's missing!"
We all asked what was missing.
"Meatballs! There are no meatballs right there!" and she pointed to her plate.
It was so funny at the time. What a funny way for a two-year-old to ask for meatballs. Sam and I were cracking up. What can I say? She wants what she wants.
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