Sam and Kate were invited to the younger Wilkersons to pick pumpkins last Wednesday. It was very fun, and the kids had a good time. Sam watched Ben play World of Warcraft (I know, right? Is that even appropriate for a 6 year old?!) and Kate played games with Rebecca. By playing games, I mean that she asked Rebecca to get out a game, extract all pieces, and then put it away. They played at least 10 games. Fun.
We did look at a wedding album while at the Wilkersons, and I can only assume that was the cause of the latest in my children's ongoing dialouge on marriage. In the car on the way home the discussion went like this:
Says Kate: "Sam! Are you going to marry me or what?!"
Sam: "No way! You're my sister! I'm not marrying you!"
Kate: "Then who is going to marry me??!!"
Sam: "One of your friends."
Kate: "From Jo's or from school?"
Sam: "I don't know! I thought you were going to marry Lincoln."
Kate: "NO! He said he's not going to marry me EVER."
Sam: "Well I don't know who you're going to marry."
Kate: "I have to marry someone!"
At this point, I felt it necessary to interject. After all, I don't want my daughter to be oppressed by the image that in order to have value as a woman you must marry! So I added, "God will provide who you need to marry when it's time, if you get married at all. You don't have to get married, you know."
They both acted like that was total lunacy. What? Not get married! Craziness.
Good grief. I had no idea how important marriage is to little people. What does that say about unmarried parents-- that would really rock their world, huh?
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