Thursday, October 8, 2009

Put God in there

Kate and I were chillin', post non-nap, and she was watching good old Hannah Montana. I'm not paying a whole lot of attention, but she looks up at me and says, "Mom. Teacher says that I need to put God in my heart, but I can't because He's too big."

"Well, you are the only one that can choose to put God in your heart, Kate," then thinking that might be a bit too theological for a 3 year old, I added, "You already love God, so He's already in there."

"No mom, look!" she says, lifting up her dress and pointing at her tummy, "He's not there! YOU have to do it! I can't do it-- He's so big! You've got to."

I really wasn't sure how to respond to that. How exactly do I do this? Coupled with the comment she made in Sunday School a few weeks ago about how mommy NEVER reads the Bible to her, but Daddy does, I'm starting to get a complex about my spiritual teaching. I mean, we pray each morning and before meals, she reads little Bible stories, but not really the Bible. Good grief. Maybe I need a home schooler to take over here or something.

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