Thursday, April 22, 2010

Boys Weekend

Stuart had meetings in Dayton last week, so Sam and Clarence flew out to meet him and stay for the weekend. They went to see the Air Force Museum, saw a movie, and swam a lot at the hotel pool. Sam reported having a great time.

According to Sam, his favorite plane was the B-2 bomber. I asked if Daddy had told him he worked with the B-2, "No way!" was Sam's response. Stuart said he didn't want to influence his decision. Sam also liked the interactive exhibits-- in one he got to fly models against his Dad, and he really enjoyed that. Another favorite was the cafeteria, "They had cheese pizza AND hamburgers!"

Kate and I enjoyed a girl weekend on our side of the world. We had pedicures (kate's first) and went shopping at the river market. Everyone had a good time.

Here are some pictures of Sam's trip. His homework was to make a book describing his trip, so we'll keep that the old-fashioned, off-line way.

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