Kate is very excited (as are we all) about the coming addition to our extended/church family: Baby W. Baby W is still very much in utero, and therefore, all of this is a very abstract idea to Kate. She was sitting on Rebecca's lap on Sunday at lunch, and Rebecca told her that if she sat quietly, she might be able to feel the baby kick. I've never seen Kate that still. And, according to Rebecca and Kate, Baby W kicked and Kate felt it. As if all that goodness wasn't enough, Kate added, "I felt your baby, Rebecca! And now I can hear her crying!" Rebecca tried to explain that she was hearing another baby across the restaurant, but Kate was very certain, and declared with certainty: "No Rebecca. I hear YOUR baby."
Well, go figure. Kate's supersonic hearing extends to the womb. Forget those $30 heartbeat listeners they sell at Target (and don't work, by the way). Just have Kate come over and take a listen.
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