Saturday, June 26, 2010

Little House, next generation

We have season tickets to Starlight, which is so great for the whole family. This is our 3rd year of having tickets in one form or another. I was excited about the first show of the season, Little House on the Prairie: The Musical, because I am such a huge fan of the TV show and I knew the kids would love it.

We really lucked out because they had some special cultural education activities prior to the show for kids to get a glimpse of prairie life. They had square dancers and crafts and fun games, and we were a little early so we got to enjoy it all. I took some pictures with  my phone-- not great, quality-wise, but you can see that they were having a great time. They enjoyed the show too (though I thought it was strange to watch Laura (Melissa Gilbert) play Ma).

Kate loved washing the towels. She wanted to wait and do it again, but I assured her I had plenty of laundry for her to try at home.

We waited in line to have Kate's hair braided like a prairie girl. I could have done this at home, but she'd never sit long enough for me to do it! Looked cute though! And she's showing off her corn-husk doll, which I subsequently lost. Bad mom.

Sam and Stuart learned how to play a game with sticks and a hoop called "Graces." They didn't know why it was called that, but my guess is so that they could play it during Sunday School.

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