Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Summer of Fun has begun!

Wow, are we busy this summer. I don't start out with those intentions, but we sure are experiencing some great and fun things this summer! Sam's doing swim team for the first time, plus baseball (please end soon, June!), plus the church musical (if we can ever get to practice), plus the INCREDIBLE SUMMER of FUN!!!

So far, we've done two official ISF events-- last week we went to the zoo and this week we went to Coco Key. We had a perfect day at the zoo. It rained in the morning, but cleared off before we went, so it was at least cool before noon. We saw lots of busy animals, some doing things I really shouldn't mention here, but let's just say that we learned a lot from the monkeys this year. Coco Key was also fun. It's hard to stay together too much there, but it wasn't too crowded and the kids (even the scared ones) had a great time. Picture time!

ZOO 2010

Kate rides the carousel

The girls

The Whole Crew Waiting for the Tram

Note the mac-daddy move Sam's putting on his friend...

Have you ever seen more adoration?

Our first camel ride. Bumpy, they report.

Coco Key Water Resort

Water slides!

Sam and friends experiment with water (you can imagine what they think this looks like...)

Kate showing off her back float: Look, dad! I've got it!

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