Friday, September 3, 2010

Maranatha Pictures. Finally

New camera. Pictures. Blah blah blah.

We had a great time, as usual. Actually, this was the first year for Stuart and me where we wished we were staying a little longer. Well, we always wish that, but this year we could have used a couple more days of relaxation! Here are a few pictures of our week:

The kids couldn't wait to get out to the beach that first night! (or any other time)
Ah, sunset.
Kate's Granddad was a great sand castle companion!
Boys being boys!
Boys on the beach
Our not-so-great family pic
Tired girl
Sam and Doug enjoying their morning coffee
Lindsay's biggest fan
Kate loved the Petting Zoo this year!
"Oh mom, do we HAVE to?"
Little Miss Sassy

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