Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vanna White, the teacher

It's been a while since I've posted anything about Kate, so let me include this tidbit from Jo:

"Kate has been a hoot…she is the “teacher” to Lia and Alex. I got activities for “Shape Day”…while we were all in the kitchen, she had L/A find different shapes (decorations, cabinets, light switch covers, bowls, plates, etc.) The funniest thing was when she was going to different areas to point out shapes for the children…the “Vanna White” pose…including a little hip movement”!! Her shape activity included a Tangram Puzzle (different shapes that she could make pictures with). She is now looking at an Oriental Trading magazine while I check e-mails and she just said, “I am going to pick out things for me to get at Christmas.” (Sorry!!)"

Kate definitely knows how to use those hips!

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