Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ice Cream Truck!

We had a great day at home today, and as a special treat I decided to let Sam get ice cream off of the ice cream truck when it came by. We were playing outside-- Kate on a blanket and Sam showing off on his trike. The weather was just perfect.

Sam chose a push-up pop. He thought it was so much fun! And he actually ate the ice cream by himself, which is pretty unusual for him. It was a good first for him. I did give him very specific instructions about not talking or approaching the ice cream man by himself... it was our safety lesson for the day.

Here's another picture of our newly mobile Kate. She is getting good at scooting around on her tummy, but gets SO frustrated at not being able to get what she wants. We had a picture just like this of Sam when he was a baby-- but he wasn't as mobile as early, that's for sure!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Another trip... literally

Well, it was bound to happen eventually. Sam finally had his first trip to the emergency room (urgent care, actually). Sam was climbing on one of those picture-taking machines and fell and split his head open. It's not really really visible in the picture above, but they glued it together. It's not really big, but it was deep, and it continued to bleed every time we took the bandaid off. The bandaid was the worst part for Sam, who really didn't complain much after the initial impact, because it was in his hairline and it pulled taking it off.

He was quite a trooper and worked his usual magic at the hospital, telling everyone that his sister had been in the hospital too! How lucky for us-- 3 ER visits in one month's time! Stu said he was really popular with the nurses and went right to playing with the other kids in the waiting room. I guess now he's a real big boy, scar and all!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Like You

We went to our niece's graduation party Saturday, and Sam had a great time playing with his cousin Reed. Naturally, he didn't want to leave when Daddy said it was time to go. Sam came running out to me (I was loading the car out front). He was crying. I asked him what was wrong.

"Daddy is mean," he cried.

"Why? What did he do?" I said as I scooped him up.

"He's acting like YOU act all the time!"

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mr. Big Thunder

A couple of weeks ago, Sam started talking about "Mr. Big Thunder." (Back when Kate was in the hospital it stormed and he looked straight at Mamaw and I and said, "That, my dear friends, was thunder." :)

Anyway, Sam's not a big fan of thunder, in general, but a few weeks ago he started talking about Mr. Big Thunder, as in "I'm afraid of Mr. Big Thunder." He and Stuart had a long talk one night about how Mr. Big Thunder isn't scary because he doesn't have arms. And if he doesn't have arms, then he can't get in our house, because he can't open the door! This revelation seems to have helped quite a bit.

Today, he said "Mr. Big Thunder! He's here!"

I said, "He is?" because it was just sprinkling. No thunder.

"Yeah yeah yeah. He's here with all of his friends! And his friends are making a little bit of rain," he said.

I was on the phone for a minute, and he started to talk... I thought to himself, but he was talking to Mr. Big Thunder. "I'm so glad to see you, Mr. Big Thunder! And thanks for bringing your friends. You're my best friend! And we can go home and your friends can come over. It will, it will just be great!"

See, I told you he likes everyone. Our little social butterfly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A New Hairplane

Yesterday we had Lindsay come over and paint an airplane (Sam says 'hairplane') in Sam's room. He was a big helper and had lots of ideas about how the airplane should look-- he had Lindsay add 'lots of windows' for the people to see out and a door. He wanted a jetway for people to deplane, but since it was en route, Lindsay talked him out of it. I don't think she really planned on a helper being a part of the painting process, but she was really great about it.

Also wanted to post a picture from Sunday: Kate wore her cousin Nicolette's dress on Sunday. It's vintage baby-- Nickie graduates from high school this weekend! Looks pretty good, huh?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Natural-born Leader

Today we went to a friend's house to celebrate Meaghan's 21st birthday. It was quite the unusual 21st birthday bash, with 6 kids there under the age of 6. They had a great time-- I hope Meaghan did too! They played some baseball outside and Sam liked the gear as much as the game.
While we were at Janet's, Sam came outside and said, "Everyone come in here. I have a surprise for you!"
I said, "Sam, what do you need? Can I help you?"
"No mom. This isn't for people, just for kids."
So sure enough, despite the fact that Sam was actually the 3rd oldest there-- right in the middle of the group age-wise, they all followed him inside for the big surprise. I couldn't believe it.
I found out later what the surprise was: the pocket doors. Crazy, I know, but Sam loves a good set of pocket doors.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Growing Up

This morning I took the increasingly rare opportunity to just sit and love on my kids. We were watching early morning cartoons, and Sam sat on my lap while Kate was playing. My chin is now just above his head when he sits like that, and I was thinking about how big he is getting. I said, "Sam, how 'bout you just stay this size forever?"

"No mom, " he said. "I have to grow up."

Friday, May 18, 2007

Baby Love

Got this shot when Sam was playing with his little sister today. She just cut her second tooth and is sitting in a high chair here at our Friday breakfast spot, a.k.a. 'The Cinnamon Roll Place."

A Day of Lasts

Sam's last day of school, May 17, 2007

Sam's first Day of School, August, 2006

Kids' Last Day at Leah's

We had lots of lasts yesterday... it was Sam's last day in Miss Anne's class at his preschool. He has gotten so big, and I can hardly believe it's been a whole year! I put up his picture from the first day, for comparison. They measured at the beginning and end of school and Sam said he was taller. He told me on the way home that he was sad because he wouldn't be in Miss Anne's class anymore and that he hadn't brought her any flowers. (I guess another child did). I told him we could drive by and do that today, but he said that's okay. I told him that Miss Anne was a good teacher, but he'd have another good teacher next year.

It was also their last day at Leah's house. She's going to start working as a nutritionist (you can see why they ate better there than here!) Sam's been going there since he was about 14 months, so it's quite a transition. Fortunately, they live close, so I hope that the boys will still be buddies.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Moving Out

Sam's funny face

I've never heard of a three-and-a-half year old running away before, but mine did last night. We had a great day together-- he took a really long nap and criticized my infamous M&M cookies (he wanted chocolate chip). After Kate went to sleep we played "Don't Break The Ice", and he did well winning and losing. At some point, he got upset with me and started up the stairs to his room. I'd asked him to take his suitcase with him if he was going upstairs and he said, "You're not nice. I'm going to move out. I'm not living here any more."

I just waited a minute to see what would happen next. Suitcase towards the door or upstairs? I didn't have to wait long.

"When I grow up, I'm moving out."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kate Proves Me Wrong

Sunday was Kate's baby dedication. Pictures show our family and Kate and another girl in our church who was also dedicated. Allie is 11 months and Kate is 6-- can you tell who is bigger? Another Matthews baby.

I started this to talk about Sam's funny sayings, but today Kate decided to participate. Last night we went to dinner with Bill, Janet and Meaghan, and when we left I told them that Kate hadn't really started talking yet. She kind of hums, but no baby talk. Well, as if to spite me, she started almost the second we got home from dinner last night with the ga ga ga stuff. It's pretty cute. I think this will not be the first time she works to prove us wrong!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Something New

Thought I'd take advantage of new media for personal reasons, instead of just work, by creating a blog for Sam and Kate. Sam says and does the funniest things these days, and I'm looking forward to being able to share them one time, instead of mass emailing. It's really for me and keeping good historical info on the kids' sayings and doings, but I'll let you all peek.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

While the mom is away...

Stuart (with help from Aunt Jolinda, Cousin Nickie, and Papa) had charge of the two kids this weekend so that I could go with a group to hear Beth Moore in Omaha. Sam has been having this craving to have a lemonade stand since Brinlee did it during their garage sale last weekend. I explained that we don't exactly live in the ideal spot for a lemonade stand.

Proving she is the "fun aunt," Jolinda helped Sam set up a stand Friday when Mom and Dad were gone. It must have been around the end of the work day, because they sold lemonade to several neighbors. She said Sam stood and waved at people as they drove by-- I'm sure they just couldn't help but to stop with that cute little guy waving out there. He made $3. And he had Jolinda hang a "closed" sign when they were done.

The next day, he wanted to do it again. It caused quite a melt-down when Stuart said no. Sam said he needed to make more money for a doctor's appointment. I'm not sure what we're teaching him, but I wasn't planning on his being so self-sufficient at the age of 3.

This week, Sam was in the driveway waving to the cars going by. I asked what he was doing. "Waving," he said. "They want to know where the lemonade stand is. And i just, well, had to wave. No lemonade today!"