Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas pics

Christmas morning

Maddie scored several presents this year, including Greenies

Christmas morning memories

Cousins Kate, Sam, Callie and Kori dressed up for Weeks family Christmas

Phil and Molly's annual picture on the loveseat, 2010

Sam doing the happy dance

Kate's new coat and scarf match!

Sam playing Christmas songs with aid of new piano lamp

Papaw's funnys on Molly's Wii Fit Plus box
Plentiful is an excellent word to describe the breadth of Christmas presents received by our family and the numerous family celebrations we attended as well. Rather than give a blow-by-blow, I'm including some of the better pictures to describe.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is one we glommed on to from someone else. Our friends the Whortons and the Wilkersons were getting together after Christmas Eve services for years, and a few years ago, we tagged along and have never let up since. It's one of my favorite times-- a casual Christmas celebration with friends, so enjoyable. We always cram some of our kiddie traditions in that night too.

We hosted this year and had the Whortons and the Lunsfords over after service. The kids opened their Christmas Eve pjs (adopted Wilkerson tradition) and blew out candles on Jesus' birthday cake (we've done this since they were little but the Whorton's use an ice cream cake-- yum!) Then we play games. Now that the kids are older, they were able to join in some and it was a really great time. Nanny was there for a bit, but left before we ate to rest up for her company tomorrow.

Nanny gave the kids new bikes for Christmas

Kids help Nanny open her presents

Serious gaming

Learning a new game with Doug and Luke

Adella reaches for a new piece


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sweet Sam (I'm sure I have a dozen posts labeled this!)

Last week Sam came home from school excitedly telling me about some snowmen that are in his music teacher's class. I admit, I probably wasn't giving him my full attention, though I get so little info from school you'd think I'd perk up. The conclusion of his verbal dialogue was, "So she still needs two more and I was thinking we could get her one for Christmas!" Now I'm listening.

"Get her what, did you say?" I ask.

Sigh. "Get her one of the snowmen she needs in her room."

I explained that I was going to need a few more details about said snowmen-- what do they look like, how big are they, and more importantly, do you know where she got them? He said he didn't, but he knew Mrs. Barnard (last year's teacher) had given her one and so he'd ask. And by golly, he did.

The next day, he came home with a written piece of paper that said, "Hallmark Snowman Drummer." (I'm positive it wasn't spelled correctly, but I can't remember exactly and didn't want to misquote him.) Of course, this was Thursday, when I was ready to fly out of town for the weekend before Christmas, so I had to put his idea on hold in classic mom fashion: "Okay, Sam, thanks for finding out the details. That's great, but I'll have to see what I can do next week when I get back." He was a little deflated, but satisfied with my response. I even made a note on the noteboard, so he'd know I remembered.

I went yesterday to purchase said drummer, and fortunately for me, the sales clerk knew exactly which snowmen I wanted. Unfortunately, no drummer existed, nor was there ever a drummer. I chose one of the 4 and came home. Sam knew that the one I'd purchased was one she had, plus she'd gotten another just yesterday, so now only one remained. We hurried to the closest Hallmark and purchased the remaining snowman. (The sales clerk there asked who it was for and knew another student had purchased her the same one earlier that night! Ugh!) Sam wrapped it up and took it into school today. He even made a card declaring her the best music teacher ever.

I admit, I was a bit of a Scrooge when it came to this errand. I purchase teacher's gifts throughout the year so I'm ready in December, and admittedly do not include every teacher at school on my list. I was thinking, now are we starting a precedent of gifting to the music teacher? Do we have to gift to PE and art too? Who else? One more thing to get last minute. Ugh!

But really, isn't it sweet that Sam noticed something his teacher liked and wanted to meet her need with a gift? Isn't that the very behavior I should be encouraging in my child? I am really proud of him for thinking of her, and I know she'll appreciate being appreciated too. What a sweet Sam.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Whoa. It's been a long time

It's not that we've not been doing interesting things, it's just that I've lacked time to write about them!

Yesterday, both kids were home sick from school. Each with a slightly different manifestation of some sort of stomach virus, both healed now. Having both kids home at the same time was a bit of an adventure, but they did pretty well. I figure they must have really been sick, because they lacked the energy to fight as much as typical. I made separate "sick beds" on each couch, and they watched movies from their respective spots. They did get up to make a little holiday snowman and color a little, but otherwise, it was TV and napping all day. The napping is the real litmus test-- if they are sick, they'll do it without much fuss, and yesterday they did.

We're back to normal today, so off we go. Kate missed her Christmas program last night, so we're making that up with the Tuesday/Thursday kids tonight. Whew.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


This morning I made a pun-ny joke to my son, but I had to explain the phrase "break wind" after I did it. I said it was an expression or figure of speech for "fart." "You know, like "cut the cheese" is another one," I unnecessarily added.

Sam said, "OH! I've heard that before on TV."

So, I did help him understand some sort of Disney-esque humor, but I taught him a phrase I've now heard at least 10 times since then. Moms know everything. Except when to keep their mouths shut!