Sunday, September 23, 2007


I was awakened last night by a little voice... "MOM! I spit up!" I came downstairs and he showed me a messy hand. I blame it on the late hour because I didn't realize at first what had happened. I washed his hand, brushed his teeth and gave him a drink. Then I went in the room. FYI, spit up=throw up.

"I know what it was, Mommy," he said. "I'm not sick, I just forgot to brush my teeth. That's all."

We woke up Daddy and got it all taken care of. When we were ready to put Sam back in bed, he said, "Sorry, mommy, for making a mess." And told Daddy "Thank you, Daddy" for making his bed. What a sweetheart he was. Poor thing.

Then he woke up this morning about 7, as usual, and I found him downstairs. When I went in his room, he'd done a little more in the bowl I gave him to use, and I said, "When did that happen?"

"Oh Mom," he said, "That was a long time ago. I feel fine now." I found out a long time ago was when he woke up.

He really was fine after that. Didn't have a huge appetite, but kept everything down and was singing and dancing with Fireman Sam this afternoon. No other collateral damages so far, so here's hoping no one else gets sick...

Recent Pictures

First Day of Preschool, 2007

First Day of Preschool, 2007

Our big walker-- her first steps were Thursday, September 20! (just 1-2 and then boom! That's status quo right now)

Sam and Stu at football practice

Sam's big catch (don't ask which way he ran afterwards!)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Too much

Today we were getting ready for preschool, and as usual, I set out Sam's clothes to get dressed while I was doing the same. He came up with his button-up shirt on and had all of the buttons done, which was big news! (He did miss a hole, so they were a little off, but they were done up well!) After my button praise, he came back up when he had his jeans on.

"You look really nice today Sam!" I said.

"Do you think it's too much?" he replied.

Too much? Where did he hear that phrase?! Probably HSM2. It was funny, nonetheless. More like something I would say to Stuart, rather than a comment from a 4-year-old. He's an old soul. :)

PS: Pictures from the first day of preschool are coming. Really. Any day now.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


When feeding Kate tonight, I called her my girlfriend. As in, 'Okay, girlfriend, you have to keep your food in your mouth' or some such thing. Sam said, "Mom, she can't be your girlfriend."

"Why?" I asked.

"Only boys have girlfriends. Girls have boyfriends."

"Oh, I see. But you're too young to have a girlfriend, right?"

"Right, when I become a mommy or daddy or bigger like that, then I can be big enough to have a girlfriend," he said.

"But I'm big. I can have a boyfriend, right?"


"Sweet. Daddy can be my boyfriend," I said.

"Yeah, Daddy is your boyfriend," Sam said. Then he added, "But don't kiss him. That would be gross."

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

Today in the car, Sam started to quote the introduction to the Veggie Tales Ultimate Silly Song Countdown. He knows the whole thing. This is new. He's always picked up songs really quickly, and can sing things he's heard only a few times, but now he quotes the words before or after the songs. When it comes to HSM, 1 or 2, he can quote most of the movie. It's amazing. My favorite part of the Veggie Tales quote is:

"Today we're going to do something, you lazies!"

"But we did something yesterday."

"All you did was order chinese!"

"It's hard to say Moo Goo Gai Pan"

You haven't lived until you've heard a 4 year old say Moo Goo Gai Pan. :)