Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another one down the aisle

Yesterday in the car on the way to Jo's, I asked Kate if she was going to play with her friend Riley. She said, "No! Riley takes toys away! I don't play with Riley!"

Then right afterwards, she says, "I'm going to marry Big Riley, you know the one from Jo's." Later she added, "When he grows up and I grow up, he won't take toys anymore, and then we'll get married. I'm going to tell Glen that."

I guess it's a reflection of my quality marriage that I've produced two children so anxious to line up a marriage partner.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First note from teacher

Okay, so I emailed the new teacher on the first day of school. Before you judge me as over-eager or whatever, know that I had a specific question about Sam's birthday snack for tomorrow. We drew early snack due to Sam's August birthday, so I needed to know!

Here's what she said:

Dear Mrs. Matthews,

Donut holes are fine... they are not homemade, so that works. I will just pass them out... if you could please send some napkins. :)
Sam has had a great day.... He is so fun. One time he remembered something and he said, "I am always on it!"
He is really a doll. Thanks for checking with me.

Kindergarten Teacher


See! He really is great!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The First Full Day of Kindergarten

Waiting for the bus

My big kindergartener!

I stayed home to put Sam on the bus for his first full day of Kindergarten. We did all of the pictures and videos and such on Friday's transition day, so I figured this would be easier. He wanted to ride the bus, not be taken to school, which was fine with me.

When we went outside to wait, he wanted me to stay in our driveway, while he waited across the street. No problem. The separation was symbolic of the way he's being cut out of my life and transplanted into new, big boy, school life. (Ha. Just kidding about that part!)

It was difficult though. I gave him a couple of hugs (he asked for an extra- yea!), and he wanted me to watch from outside, not inside, while he waited. He is so ready for school, and I know he'll do great.

I never thought I'd be one of those moms who greeted the first day of school with tears and apprehension, but I drove away from the house with tears in my eyes. It is the beginning of something so great in Sam's life, but the end of something great in mine. Those years where we were the primary focus of his world, and influencers of his life, are gone. I am really glad that I was home as much as I was. I feel like I truly appreciated and enjoyed every day, or most every day.

So, onward and upward! The Father who has watched over Sam and listens to my prayers will continue to watch him now. "And Samuel grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

BMB: Starting School, The Bad Mom Way

Since Sam was in utero, I have dreamed about him starting school. I've drooled over the aisles of school supplies each summer, just waiting for the day when we'd pick our pencil case, our backpack... you get the idea.

Starting last spring, we began receiving little glimpses of elementary school life. We went to kindergarten enrollment. (Previously called screening, which they still do but don't want to call it that or be too critical because that wouldn't be PC.) One thinks, as an educated and modern mama, that the point of such a process would be information. I have learned, however, that parents are on a strictly need-to-know basis. We provide all sorts of personal information about our kid and ourselves, but when it comes to dates or procedures or even expectations we can have for our first school days-- don't need to know.

Top off the total sense of confusion with something I should have expected, but in fact did not: social hierarchy. Why is it I feel like I have returned to junior high? It seems so obvious who the cool parents are and the fun parents and the popular parents... throw in the conservatives vs liberals, rich vs poor, and worst of all the concerned and the nonchalant. Who do you want to be? What do you want the other parents to think about you? The world and identity I've worked hard to create, to earn, to be in other spheres of my life is irrelevant here. I'm an unknown, and whether or not that will be good enough for everyone else is unknown too.

Of course, all of this heavy pressure comes from the inner desire to create the perfect school experience for your child-- sign up for the right volunteer opportunities, the right after-school clubs, the perfect Cyclone sweatshirt. As if any of that will actually impact their experience at all. The truth is, Sam's school years are his, not mine, and it's his role to create. He was totally cool with the whole process. In the car on the way to school, he said, "I want to try everything. Everything you can do, I want to do." And he shook hands with other kids and introduced himself, just like he always does. He'll be exactly who God made him to be. And he's so much stronger and bolder and more secure than I think that he is, and I know he will be just fine.

Now whether I'll make it or not remains to be seen...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Coco Key Birthday Fun

Everyone had a good time at Sam's CocoKey Water Park birthday party. It's a good thing, because frankly, it was kind of a pain. The hostess said I was supposed to relax and let her handle everything, but that turned out impossible for me. Good idea though.

We played and swam for 2 hours and then had pizza, presents and cake. Most kids had a parent with them, which helped with the overall corralling. The only person I could never find while swimming was Sam. Go figure.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sam's 6th

Yesterday, my sweet Sam turned 6. I've always thought of him as my sweet Sam, because he is so good-natured. I have a feeling I'll be kissing not only the moniker, but the attitude good-bye when school starts this week. I just keep praying that they don't crush his spirit.

We had a good birthday. He woke up and opened presents (little ones) from Kate and me. I got him a card that sings, because he really wanted one like that, so they fought over that for a while. "Shake Your Groove Thing" was the song and the card told him to "Shake what your mama gave you," to which I added: "God and your mama gave you good stuff!" I thought it was funny, but probably underappreciated.

We had the Summer of Fun tour of the chocolate factory and lunch at Fritz's train restaurant today. He had a good time. He looks so much older now than at this time last year. I guess he is!

Then, as the final topper on the cake, I took him for a surprise trip to Chuck E Cheese. I always feel like mid-week birthdays are hard for my kids, because the party usually isn't until the weekend, and Dad isn't even home. So, CEC is generally on the agenda. I can only stand to go about once a year, so never say I didn't sacrifice for my children. Beth Scholes told me that she hopes she can go without ever having to take her kids-- yeah right.

So, all in all it was a good day. Several friends and family members called to wish him happy birthday, and I think that means a lot to him. Party comes this weekend, so that will be interesting and blog-worthy I'm sure.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sam's birthday pics

Sam's birthday commenced with a summer fun trip to Fritz's train restaurant and Chips Chocolate Factory. As I said before, a fan favorite.

Sam and Carter waiting to eat lunch

Sam, Carter, Kate and Chloe: Life imitating art

The girls waiting to eat lunch: Kate, Stella and Chloe

That evening, we went to celebrate at Chuck E Cheese with the Ernstings and Janet.

Stuart broke the no big gift rule and got Sam his very own flight jacket with patches to sew on and a name badge. We ordered big, and it's REALLY big. I think it will be able to be used this year and next. At least. He opened it on the weekend after his birthday.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BMB: Such a sucker!!!

The countdown to Kindergarten is on. In my head, a clock is ticking away every day, every minute until my little man steps on the bus for transition day.

For those who don't know, transition day is elementary school code for letting the kindergarteners have a practice day all to themselves before being trampled by the more experienced bullies, I mean, 6th graders. They even have a "yahoo/boohoo party" during the morning, which I think means that the parents of kindergartners who are home on friday mornings get together and bond. Aren't I going to be spending enough time with these people over the next 7 years?

The impact on my life seems to be that I have become a total pushover to the whims of my son. Now, he's gone to timeout twice in the last 24 hours for disobedience and attitude (yes, my son, with the attitude). But if he wants to play computer all day, fine. If he wants to build a space ship in the living room, whatever.

Case in point: yesterday I took him to piano. This is Monday routine: Kate to Jo's, Sam to piano, Sam to Jo's, mom to work. Well, he heard me making plans for Five Guys, and wanted to come to lunch too. It's an adult lunch, with boring conversation, I said. No games. No problem, he responded. So, he came.

Then during lunch, he looks at me with those big eyes, and comes over to give me a hug and tell me that I'm his "best mommy." I assume this public appreciation will disappear with many other vestiges of youth on August 14.

So, when I mention going to Jo's and he gets all, "Let's run errands. Let's spend the day together." What am I supposed to do? Run errands. Spend the day together, even though that is Sam code for going downstairs to play Jump Start World while I work upstairs.

It's going to be a long two weeks (but oh so short!!!!)

Vacation pics

I know some of you are waiting to see vacation pics, and that I need to record some of our experiences on this year's trip for posterity, but it won't be until this weekend at the earliest. I could have blogged from camp, but it would have required actual work, so, no.