Saturday, March 2, 2013

Funny girl

I know it's been a while since I posted, but I'll catch up. Kate said a couple of funny things in the last day or so I thought were worth documenting.

Last night, I was sitting by Kate before bed, and my feet were bare. I do not have pretty toes right now-- unpainted and I even have a cut. She was not impressed, and said, "mom, you need a pedicure. I think you have corns."

Corns! I barely even know what a corn is, and I have no idea where she came up with that. She tried to show me her "corns", and needless to say we don't have any between us. Hilarious.

Then this morning, I came back from a run and she followed me into the bedroom. "Mom," she said, "you are super sweaty. You're as sweaty as a camel in the desert."

"Do camels sweat?" I asked.

"Yeah, and you're the sweatiest camel I've ever seen."

Valentines all around

We had a fun Valentines day this year. Sam has officially outgrown parties, but he did take his Phineas box and angry bird valentines for his friends. It was free dress day, so he took care to look good.

Because it was free dress, Kate's teacher took advantage and combined the Val-day celebration with 100th day of school, and asked all the kids to dress like they were 100. I was a morning volunteer and it was so fun to see all of the kids and walk around as they visited rooms. They did centers all day, so it was super fun for Kate.

The kids were blessed with valentines from family and friends from home too. And Stuart took us all to dinner at Metro Pizza to top off the day.