Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hair Vanity

Now that her hair is longer, Kate has developed a real sense of pride in her long hair. She likes to lean her head back in the bath tub and feel how long it is, or flip it over her shoulder. It's a sight.

It really isn't that long yet, but she is working hard on it. When I asked if we wanted to make it shorter for summer, she looked as if I'd just killed her best friend. How dare I suggest it.

She's particularly proud of the long pigtails she wore to Jo's the other day. So, i had to take this picture.

Michaela Phelps

Sam and Kate finished their swim lessons last night, and it was also the end of Non-Competitive swim team for Sam this year. (So many things are ending right now!) They both passed their levels with flying colors. I would say Sam passed pretty easily, which I guess is bragging, but I'm happy to do it. Plus, that's really what this blog is all about anyway. Bragging.

Passing Level 1 is not much to brag about, and I'm pretty sure Kate passed the first day.  But I am amazed by how much she is willing to do in the water. She's entered that scary stage where she really isn't afraid of the water, but can't swim yet either, so we'll really have to watch her this summer. In addition to jumping in off the edge and off the diving board (in a life jacket), she was also doing a pretty good looking backstroke with the jacket on too. I was amazed. I never know what to expect out of a 3 year old, but this seems pretty good.

When we were leaving, Kate went over to hug her very cute teacher Emily, and Emily told her how proud she was of her. I told she and Nick that Kate thinks that she is ready to do swim team with Sam, and Emily responded, "I wouldn't put it past her. I'm going to start calling her Michaela Phelps." I laughed of course, and removed my child from their teacher-hot-tub-private-time. I know she was joking, but in the back of my head, I'm thinking, "Does that mean she's exceptional? Could she really be an olympic swimmer? Should I force her to swim every day for the rest of her life?" Wow, we suburban moms really need to calm down and stop drinking the juice. I'll settle for water safety for now, I think.

Monday, May 24, 2010

FIeld Day

Sam had his first Field Day last Friday. It rained all week (as it has been for the last two weeks-- welcome to Seattle), but was dry on Friday morning. He's wet in these pictures because of the games, not the weather! Stuart was an official helper, so he took pictures of his station-- the Leaky Bucket race. As you can see, they had a great time!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


We're working on becoming better bike riders. We fell victim to the scooter frenzy, which requires much less actual coordination, and is closer to the ground, which led to a real preference for scooter over bike by Sam. It doesn't help to live on a hill. So, we've been going to parking lots to practice riding. Kate, on the other hand, LOVES to ride her bike. I warned Sam that Kate was going to be ready to take her training wheels off soon, so I think he's inspired to work a little harder.

They are both really getting so much better at it-- I thought we'd never accomplish bikes. It was already on  my bad mom list. I knew they could never be Rhodes scholars, because navigating Oxford would be impossible for my kids. I could hear it: "Yeah, I can't ride a bike because my mom didn't teach me when I was younger. Otherwise, I'd be studying physics instead of working at this McDonalds." Just blame the mom. Everyone else does.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

Kate had a very fun day on her last day of Preschool. Her teacher surprised the class with Happy Meals for everyone! Wow! Nothing says love like McDonald's. Kate was excited about the last day, but only because I think she believes she'll start the next room immediately. Give her a month and she'll really be missing preschool and all of her friends.

We did go to Lamar's to celebrate the last day of school (no more Atlanta Bread! Boo!). Out with old traditions, in with new...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Naked. Almost.

Not sure about your experience, but my kids love naked. They think it's super funny. And let's face it, it is.

Anyway, yesterday Kate was getting ready for swimming, and she says to me with her big blue eyes wide, "MOM! Nick [Sam's coach] is NAKED when he swims!"

I laughed. "No, Kate, he is wearing his swimsuit," I replied.

"No, Mom," she said and then half-whispered, "It's his underwear!"

Oh my. You can tell where we are on the cultural awareness. Those european trunks are just not enough coverage per Kate. Yikes. At least Sam's swim team garb is more bike-pant like, that would really have blown Kate's mind.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First swim lessons

Kate had her first REAL swim lessons today. She was so excited to have her own class. I had to tell her, because we made two trips to the pool today, that she would just play during the first trip, but have her own lessons during the second. She said to me, "I will swim over here in the little pool now, but later I will be out there in the big pool with my teacher." I warned her that Level 1 involved mostly staying in the little pool, but that she needed to do what her teacher said.

When we got to lessons, she was talking with some girls about her size, and they asked what level she was in. "Level 3," she said definitively. "Me too!" said another little girl. After talking, we found out those girls were 5 and 8, and one really was in level 3. I told Kate that even though she is 3 years old, she would have to start in Level 1, so we got that all straightened out. She looked at me like "Whatever, Mom. I'll be in Level 3 next week."

She was so cute sitting there waiting with all the kids for her class to be called. When they said her name, she waited until the class list was done, raised her hand and declared, "I'm Kate!" She was by far the most eager of her group, though it included no criers, which was nice. She did a great job following directions and looked like such a big girl.

Afterwards, I told her I was so proud of her being big enough to take swim lessons. She said, "Are you proud of me for listening to my teacher and following directions too, Mom?" Yes, now if we could only do so well at home!

This is Sam and his private swim instructor, Nick. They have so much fun!

Kate and Sam before her first lesson

Kate listening to the instructions (and, most likely, giving some of her own)

Kate working on back float

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Baseball Pictures

As you can see, our first few games were COLD! Action shots have turned out crummy so far, so I'll work on getting more in June!