Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Life is full of disappointments"

Don't be scared off by the title. Things are going well here in the Land of the Hot. The title, a quote from one of my favorite movies (guess which in the comments!), sums up how I'm feeling about two things:

First, for those of you who are anticipating the kids' coming to KC and offering lengthy dissertations about their life in Vegas, adjust your expectations. I get so excited to hear about the kids' school days, maybe because I have very little social life of my own? But it's really the same old things. "Good!" "I played puzzles." "Math was fun, kind of easy."

Sam did say that they went to science today, and he asked "Do we get to make something explode??!" "Not today," was the response. That's my boy.

Second, I can't help but be a little disappointed by the news from work. I decided about a mon ago, when this adventure started, that I would try to make my job from omemwork remotely. Lots of people virtual PM, and I had 3 projects underway to prove that it works. My projects have gone well, I've been complemented by the management and clients, but I wa told yesterday that they don't have any new projects for me. Now, this could be temporary. And honestly, the time zone thing is not very fun. But I can't help feeling that I complicated is whole transition with work that is leading nowhere.

When we were at church Sunday, it occurred to me how much I've given up on lately. I'm not sure when this started, but I've basically begun thinking that things are as good as they can be, so much better than for many people, and I shouldn't really anticipate great improvement. That's really e very opposite of my typical world view, that everything can be better, more efficient, more something. I'm ready to expect more from me too. Why not expect more from work too?

Starting over in Las Vegas wasn't really what I aspired to or planned, but it may be just what I need.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First day of School!

Sam and Kate both started school today. Not many stories really, but I did get some pictures. Sam loved it and liked math best. Kate said all they did was puzzles, but I'm not too sure about that. I hope not!

Our kids on the balcony of our temporary apartment-- Looking good, right?!

Walking to the school. We had to park about 2 blocks away-- it was crazy!

Sam with school supplies in tow. Can you see all the people? Chaos!

Kate's first day at preschool Nothing as cute as the mural at Stepping Stones to take pictures in front of, but here she is anyway, dressed in her favorite purple with purple shoelaces in her (required) tennis shoes!

After school... happy boy = success!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Road Trip Pics

They started happy... this is in Lee's Summit McDonalds.

Scenic Hays Kansas (we made a lot of scenic stops, ha). Subway, Sam's favorite. Still happy!
Day 2: Rest Stop in the Mountains on the west side of Denver
Amazing scenery! I 70 from Colorado through Utah is lonely, but truly scenic!
Ghost Rock overlook in Utah. Amazing! (Day 3: Still Happy!)

Dad does not approve of the dancing on the rocks!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My New Las Vegas Lifestyle

I sit here, at 5 pm, Pacific time of course, lounging poolside and writing this post. We are thankfully shaded here, and I hate to admit to you that is pool is much more plush than ours will be, once built. But then again, we're staying in a million-dollar condo high-rise, so I guess there should be perks.
The kids are playing eith 5 other kids in the large pool, various ages and ethnicities, but all getting along as if they'd been friends for years, or at least weeks. Kids are remarkable in this, the ability to find friends and forget friends easily.
Our day started rough, despite my pep talk. Prayer would have been a better start, but ad it's not on any of my lists, it was forgotten. Kids woke too early, i even earlier. I had a dream about old friends, which seems the pattern. Last night it was a Colorado football game with Jolie and the girls from League. Colorado, I thought. It's not even in the Big 12!
I did manage to work. More than I thought when I added it all up. Kate is still impatient (I know where she got it) and restless, and who can blame her. It's like the first day of the next month of our lives... Too temporary to be more or less.
Stu is gone overnight. Adjusting to his schedule seems totally different when my expectations are of the perfect, nuclear family. I'll readjust when life gets more of a pattern.
We went to a park, which took me at least twice as much drive time as it should have because I was trying to find other parks, but ended up back up in Highlands, near our house and the school. Got a call from the school nurse about immunizations missing (need a pediatrician already???), so ran up there. Good thing is we ran into Sam's new teacher totally at random (thanks God), and she gave Sam a big hig and was great. Yea!

We went to a mall. Boring, like most malls, and with expensive food and no Hallmark store. (Do people still buy cards at hallmark stores?) Ended up at CVS instead.
Registered for library cards. Our first official Vegas identification. Establishing quiet reading time each day for the kids' benefit, to balance out screen time and for my own peace.
People here are fantastic. Really, I do not exaggerate. Even the hoopty 20-somethings in the building are nice to the kids and smile or introduce their dogs (sniff sniff). I'm so glad to find this aspect of Vegas totally different than Albuquerque. Hallelujah.
Now here, poolside, typing and reading a book. Bliss. They are working out their energy and can be as loud as they want without splitting my ears! Later dinner, and more glamourous unpacking. Beautiful.

Friday, August 19, 2011

On the road to Vegas, day 1

Where have we been all summer? What have you been doing wi your summer of fun?

Well, I'd love to answer that, but there's no time.

We're on the road to Vegas! After 8+ years of Stu's traveling every week at 6 am on Monday morning, we're finally relocating to join him where he lives. It's a big move. Lots of planning. Lots of waiting. Lots of sleepless nights. Lots of traveling.

We left this morning after a week or more of teary goodbyes to friends and family around 9:30, with the goal of getting to Limon, Colorado. Which, we did. We've had a blissfully uneventful trip so far, eaten at a mcdonalds, a subway, and a local Limon hangout. We have a faulty connection in one of the beloved headrest DVD players, but no real problems to speak of. Kids have been well fed and well entertained by movies, scavenger hunts, present unwrapping and tons of goodies delivered by our friends for the trip.

When we crossed the state line into Colorado, it occurred to me that I really feel more like a Kansas girl than a Missouri one. An Independence girl for sure, but my husband, my parents, my college, my work all exist on the other side of the state line. Lea ing all that behind is an interesting process. Who am I, if not a KC local? How am I defined, if not by the friends and family I have, the places I like to go, the work I like to do?

Well, that's why we call it an adventure! Sam's considering going by Samuel out here, which is totally doable! We will have new places to call favorite, a new church home, a new home home! I guess this is where rubber meets road. Who am I, and who do I want to be?

Watch and learn.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

RIP Maddie

As if all the moving craziness wasn't enough, our Maddie had a tough year this year. Over the summer, she was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease, which is best explained as advanced aging for dogs. Telling Stu that I couldn't handle one more loss this year, we signed up for the custom doggie Rx to help her symptoms. That helped for a bit, but while we were gone for two weeks (first for Maranatha, then in Vegas), Megan reported that she started acting strange.

When we got home, I definitely noticed a difference. She wasn't moving around as much and seemed more sore than usual (she was also on an anti-inflammatory). We took her to the vet, and she told us that we had a decision to make. Maddie was likely not well enough to make the 3 day road trip to Vegas, and then live first in a high-rise condo, and then our new house. The adjustments were just going to be too much for her.

I had no idea how difficult it was to say goodbye to a dear animal like Maddie. She was really our first ("practice") child, and I miss her so. On the Saturday that Stu was taking her to the vet, I made a big breakfast. We figured out afterwards that she had about 5 pieces of bacon, some eggs, and at least one biscuit. Quite a meal! Stuart was so brave to make the trip, and he brought home paw prints for each of the kids to remember her by. When we told the kids, it was the saddest moment I've ever had with them. They literally fell on the floor in the basement and wailed for several minutes. We remembered fun things about her, and talked about her. One of Kate's first responses was, "But we can have a new dog, right??"

I'm writing this in retrospect, and still have tears in my eyes. She was like a member of the family to me-- she sat by me when I watched KU basketball and watched over me when I had morning sickness. She sat by my chair when I fed baby Sam 4 times a night. The kids remember her playing chase with dad and playing pirate on the bed with her bandana on around her head. She loved the snow-- I know I have a picture somewhere but can't find it. She was a great great dog.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Training Camp

I helped out again with this year's Chiefs Charity Game, which benefits the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired. There are several perks. One is working with my friend Eileen. One is getting a chance annually to chat with my favorite Sports Radio 810 host, Soren Petro and crew. This year, we also went up to St. Joe for training camp. Sam and Kate get along terrifically with Eileen's twins John and Nora. The Wilkerson clan came up that day also!

Here are my pictures from the big day:

Chiefs QB Matt Cassel signing an autograph for Kate

Chiefs QB Matt Cassel signing Sam's ball cap

Here's our crew. Note the influence from Kate's meeting the cheerleaders. Pose much?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sam turns 8!

It's hard to believe my baby is now 8 years old! He wanted a pool party AND a sleep over, and being a total sucker right now, I complied. (Knowing that Sam and Kate's life is about to turn upside down with the move to Vegas, it's very difficult to say no right now!)

Our dear friends Beth and Doug Whorton agreed to let our boys swim at their house for Sam's birthday. Beth told me that one time, when Luke was younger, Bob and Adella Lunsford hosted Luke's birthday party in their arcade-like basement, so it was her turn to pay it forward. They went totally above and beyond with decorations and preparations, and Doug even jumped in with his clothes on, which was a big hit for Sam's friends from school. Sam had 3 friends: Reece, Dillon, and Max. I was a little worried about the group, but they got along great! My parents, Bob and Adella, and the Wilkersons joined us poolside to celebrate too.

Afterwards, we went home and let the boys sleepover in the basement. Stu was the late-night sentry, but they were asleep by about midnight (though they were pretty sure that they stayed up all night!) It was a sweet send-off.

Cookie Cake

The boys!

Looking for a loose balloon

Here he goes...

It's tough being the only girl!


(In case you haven't figured it out, I'm retroactively creating most of the summer posts. It was a crazy summer with lots of change, and I just honestly didn't get around to it. I have some pictures though, so I'll try to fill in the gaps as best as I can.)

Our house was on the market for a little more than 6 weeks. It was CRAZY with showings, summer events, vacation, etc. But it finally sold the week that we were at Maranatha. Our agent had the sign changed before we got back, and here it is, Sam's birthday and our sold sign. You can't do much better advertising than a bikini babe in front of a sold sign! We sent these to our agent too as a sign of our thanks. (Get it Dad, sign? :))