Friday, February 1, 2008

Potty Princess

My daughter Kate is 15 months old. My mother-in-law Mary is the queen of potty training. This knowledge is essential to the craziness that is this story:

Tuesday Mary and Clarence watched the kids while I worked because my sitter was off on vacation. She had to sit Kate on the potty because she started to go more during a diaper change, which we've done before and is no big deal. But, later in the morning, Kate grabbed Mary by the hand and took her to the bathroom, pointed and said, "Potty". So Mary took her diaper off and sat her on the potty, holding her, because her 15-month old butt is too small to sit on the seat. She went. Ha ha, we all laughed, isn't she funny. What a cute story.

The next day, Mary watched Kate again (she's a superstar) while I took my grandmother to the ER. Kate went in the same fashion, both types, a total of 3 times. Just in case this is some real phenomenon, I drag out the potty seat. We know it's just a game, and she really hasn't done it since, but good grief. Talk about an overachiever.

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